Thursday, May 08, 2008

Re Brigitte Gabriel's speech about radical Islam, she doesn't present any means to defend ourselves or means to stop or destroy radical Islam. We sure as hell can't or won't kill 1.3 billion Muslims. An aggressive attack on radicals and their countries' governments is expensive and our own economy us weakened by our government's corruption and ingnorance in attempts to radically change such governments in Afghanistan and Iraq, and perhaps later in Iran and Syria. We surely can't do this by ourselves and we have only a few other counries in the Coalition.
My suggestions are no different than others who think logically and realistically. 1. We have to stop illegal "immigration" and start thinking like Americans, not as multicultural groups of different cultures speaking 100 different languages. 2. We must improve public education or do away with it if it refuses to improve. Private schools do so much better and with so little expense. 3. We must privatize many municipal, county, state and federal entities that are inefficient and only create more taxes for us to pay. Such privitized businesses should make a profit and offer alternatives for services such as water, sewage and trash collection, electric power, and natural gas. Competition is the American way. 4. Well, the list goes on and on. Just listen to Congressman Ron Paul's platform. It's the same as mine but mine is a lot tougher on criminals, terrorists and hood rats. I am a lot easier on drug users, but suggest they either quit drugs or die but not in public hospitals because we won't have any "public" hospitals as everyone will have to pay for services because they work or have retired from work and have incomes! Rant, rant!

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